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Facts about Tauragė


Of Tauragė area is composed of parks and green zones


Monuments and landmarks in Tauragė


Number of residents in Tauragė

Tauragė's history spoken through the lips of locals

The e-book "Tauragė's History Spoken Through the Lips of Locals" was created to introduce tourists to the most famous landmarks of the Tauragė region, to hear interesting stories, and to learn about the unique reasons behind their existence.


Upcoming Events

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The Tauragė region is rich in wonderful attractions that are worth visiting by everyone.

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Recreational area Meižis

Recreational area to take a longer walk in nature.

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Antšunija Jewish Genocide Site

On September 6, 1941, the county police chief Vladimir Mylimas issued orders for the isolation and loss of civil rights of the Jews. On September 12, the Germans encircled the forest, the Tauragė-Šilalė highway, and the bridge over the Šunija River. From morning till noon, people were transported by cars to the edge of the forest in Antšunija village - here, women and children were shot and buried in two pits. Local collaborators also participated in this bloody genocide. About 3000 Jews were shot in Antšunija village.

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Hillock of Ivangėnai

Next to the Suvirkštis River is the archaeological complex of Ivangėnai (Karšuva), which consists of two mounds, a settlement area, and a cemetery. The main mound (Pilaitė) is situated on a separate hill on the left bank of the Suvirkštis River valley. 100 meters southeast of the mound, on a small promontory on the left bank of the Suvirkštis River, another mound is located. To the northwest, on both banks of the Suvirkštis River, there is a settlement area in a low-lying area.

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